Our trendy selection

Lactofermented Icecream

(Soy & almond milk - Flavor Mango)

Sojami Lactofermented Spread

(Flavor Basil)


(Vegan sauce, mayonnaise like)

Sojami, PIONEER of plant-based cheese


Discover the benchmark brand in healthy and gourmet products and fresh specialties with lactofermented organic soy.

Sojami offers a wide natural and organic range naturelle et bio of products : spreads, tofus, plant-based “goat cheese”, sauces, tempeh and even ice cream.

All Sojami products are 100% vegetable and elaborated with ingredients from organic and local farming. Lactofermented, they are rich in active probiotic ferments which enrich the microbiota and make them very digest.

They are also rich in high quality protein, source of Omega-3, et guaranteed gluten-free, lactose-free, cholesterol-free and GMO-free, which makes them ideal pleasure-health allies.

Sojami is also invested in sustainable development and the Food Transition (vegetation of food, organic farming, short circuits). This is why all its products are handcrafted in our eco-factory located in the Agropole park in Agen (south-west of France), and obtained through a unique lactofermentation process.

Sojami also supports the IRENIS association in its research work in Human Ecology.

Trendy recipes

Tomato, watermelon and sojami garlic & herbs Gazpacho
Grilled Okara Tempeh Skewers
Unbaked Strawberry Pie

When you're talking about us ...

“ We could eat your Sojami with a spoon, it's so good! ” (about the Sojami to Spread AFHGarlic & Herbs)
" AMAZING ! Your products very quickly became essential to my daily cooking! ”
“It's the only tofu I recommend. Yours wouldn't exist, I wouldn't even consume it. ” (about Tofu Pesto)
“ A delight ! Thank you very much, your products are excellent ! Customer since the 1st hour ”